Academic Resources
Use the following collection of resources to assist with academic learning. Click the drop-down arrow on the right to view the list of resources. This site will be updated as new resources are discovered.
Do you have resources that you would like to see added?
Share them with Mark at to get them reviewed and added to the appropriate list.
General Resources
List of 10 Online Teaching tools
240 Questions To Ask Students After Watching A Video
List of 240 thought-provoking questions to ask students to make a video more beneficial
PBL activities used by Scouts to earn merit badges
A collection of various calculators (Loan, BMI, Age, etc)
All the perks of the Promethean/SMART board, without the board. Save $$$
Compare two documents side by side.
Learn a new language. Designed for schools. No content teacher needed
Downloadable Brain Game cards from multiple content areas
Several resources for education
Free website to copy and paste emojis!
Game-based learning tool easy to integrate with your classes
GPA Calculator from Cal State @ Fullerton
Remove pages from a pdf document.
Academic - General FREE learning in all content areas
Nex-Generation Round-Up For Youth
Next-Generation Round Up for Youth, Inc., is a charitable, non-profit organization designed to fund, promote, and support educational projects, career development, and community programs focused on youth
"The best free cultural and educational media on the web." There are hundreds of free resources
Purify Video offers a clean and minimalistic interface for a distraction-free experience. while watching YouTube videos.
Interactive drawing game
Pre-made and customizable quizzes from multiple content areas
Graphic Organizers and other resources is a website dedicated to satisfying all your cravings for in-depth statistical data and analysis for all of the US. Get high-level overviews for the entire country, then drill down through 10+ map levels, all the way down to the individual block. The site is heavily cross-linked for convenient click-and-scroll navigation, and we invite you to explore all the different topics across all the different map levels.
TED-Ed provides everything you need to spark and celebrate your students' ideas
OpenLearn works with other organizations by providing free courses and resources that support our mission of opening up educational opportunities to more people in more places.
Create online, interactive worksheets that are graded by the system.
Whether you’re a student or a lifelong learner, YourDictionary is just that: yours. We’re here to help you find everything you need, from the perfect word to the grammar answers you’ve been searching for. The English language is always evolving, and it’s our job to keep up with it.
Free bibliography builder for reports, research, etc
Field Trip Ideas
Field Trip Ideas in and around Wichita, KS
Dalton Gang Hideout, Meade, Kansas
National WWII Museum Electronic Holocaust Field Trip
Academic - Field Trip Ideas
Art & Drawing
Convert color coding (HEX, HSL, RGB, etc) from one format to another as needed.
There are several other tool on this website as well.
National Gallery of Art - Learning Resources
Academic- Art and Drawing
Various resources for Art Teachers and Artists.
Academic - Art and Drawing
3D paper models of various famous structures, vehicles, etc
Academic - Art and Drawing
Excellent drawing game for a touch screen
Academic- Art and Drawing
A few lessons to help High Schools students with drawing.
ESOL Resources
ESOL - Speaking
Various ESOL computer games and learning strategies.
ESL Games - Conversation Questions
ESOL - Speaking
Printable Conversation Questions for ESOL learners.
ESOL - Speaking
Random Conversations Questions for ESOL learners.
Academic - Resources
Download Free Resources for ESL learners at various levels.
Here's the YouTube video with an overview
ESL Games, worksheets, etc
Games to work on basic foundational English skills.
US History Text For ESOL (pdf)
Completely free 92 page text designed for ESOL learners.
Financial Education
The Financial Reserve Bank of KC has a Financial Program for students. This is the full curriculum.
The Financial Reserve Bank of KC has a Financial Program for students. These are the stories and lesson plans included in that curriculum.
Financial Literacy - By Grade Level
So, here are multiple FREE lessons and resources to teaching various concepts in Financial Literacy. It is divided by grade level. Go to the link and then click on "Education" at the top. The dropdown will give you specific options.
Language Arts & Reading
Diffit Reading Leveler
Academic - Reading
Level reading samples
Academic - Reading
The mission of ReadingQuest is to be a resource for teachers who wish to more effectively engage their students in the content of their courses but who also want to better understand how to support the learning process. Various printable reading and thinking strategies FREE!
Academic - ELA
Reading Resources. ReadWorks creates proven high-quality content, teacher guidance, and
integrated tools that improve teacher effectiveness and student achievement.
History & Social Studies
:Lessons on testing the validity of resources. Including Evaluating Online Sources
Academic - Social Studies
US History Free Resources, Strategies, and Primary Sources
History Channel YouTube
Academic - Social Studies
Videos arranged by historical topic.
Academic - Social Studies
Free teacher resources for Social Studies.
Academic - Social Studies
World History videos that are designed a little differently.
Academic - Social Studies
FREE World History courses for your classroom made possible by
a Library of Congress grant!
OER Project - Claim Testing Lesson Plan
Excellent resources for learning about the USA and different opportunities here.
Interactive Distance Learning
South Central Kansas IDL Network
Academic - Interactive Distance Learning
A collection of distance learning resources.
IT, Tech, & Computers
📽️Access Google Classroom Without A Google Account
Academic - IT, Tech, and Computers
A YouTube video teaching you how to access Google Classroom without a Google Account.
All students need digital citizenship skills to participate fully in their communities and make smart choices online and in life. Our award-winning K–12 Digital Citizenship Curriculum. -CommonSense Media
Academic - IT, Tech, and Computers
A YouTube video teaching you how to access Google Classroom without a Google Account.
Harvard University CS50 - Intro To Computer Science Playlist
Academic - IT, Tech, and Computers
Introduction to Computer Science taught by a Harvard University professor. Signed certificate upon successful completion.
Academic - Mathematics
Various FREE worksheets, calculators (fraction, factoring, long division, etc) and other tools to support learning.
Early Math and Reading Interventions
Academic -Mathematics
Strategies and Research on Math and Reading Interventions
Academic - Mathematics
Math explained in a very basic manner with worksheets.
Academic - Mathematics
Free teacher resources for Numeracy.
Diploma In Music Theory from Yale
Yale University Open Course - Music Theory
Academic - Music
Jam Tracks are backing tracks of music designed to allow a musician to practice an instrument with a band behind them. They can also be used as background music if you just need something playing as you work! Also, if you go to YouTube, you can search Jam Tracks and there are multiple options!
Music In Education For Children With Special Needs
Academic - Music & Special Needs
Yale University Open Course - Music Theory
A free catalog on contemporary choral music.
Special Needs
Music In Education For Children With Special Needs
Academic - Special Needs & Music
Yale University Open Course - Music Theory
Academic - Science
Science and Other worksheets that correspond with short video segments.
NGSS Science & Engineering Practices
Academic - Science
Standard practices based on NGSS strategies.
Academic - Science
Biology animations over various topics. Excellent segments to supplement learning!
Science Films For The Classroom
Academic - Science
California Academy of Sciences Science curriculum videos directly linked to NGSS.
Academic - Science
California Academy of Sciences Science curriculum videos